News and Hues • January 8th, 2020
News and Hues
Happy New Year! Let’s make it a colorful one!
What We Did Last Month:
We were busy! But that didn’t stop us from enjoying the holidays - and we hope you enjoyed them too!
Sophiola welcomed the holidays by appearing at various Christmas/Holiday/Farmers Markets in December in Washington, DC and Virginia. Thank you to everyone who came out to meet us and make our holiday more festive and colorful!
Sophia continued to cheer JV Basketball players as part of the JV James Monroe Cheerleading Squad and was medically released from wearing her boot and was able to fully participate in the Fredericksburg Academy of Ballet’s Nutcracker Performance the weekend of December 20th!
Sophia enjoyed the Christmas Holiday with family both in Fredericksburg and the Boston MA area – including a visit to see classical art at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.
Sophia went to New Hampshire to see some Presidential Candidates with her brother, Miguel.
Start the new year with a new framed print from the Shop!
Any so, so, so many thanks to all who made 2019 the best year yet for Sophia and Sophiola!!