News and Hues • October 3, 2018
News and Hues
Welcome to a special edition of the newsletter. Sophia's solo art show Constantly Becoming is coming to Fredericksburg, so it's going to be an exciting month!
Constantly Becoming Early Access
On October 3, members of the Fredericksburg Area Museum got a private sneak peek at Constantly Becoming, the FAM exhibit featuring Sophia’s art. Visitors enjoyed meeting the artist and seeing bits of her history, her paintings, and pottery. It was a wonderful night with so so so much love and support from the community.
Constantly Becoming at the Fredericksburg Area Museum!
This Friday, Sophia will help welcome the public to her FAM exhibit beginning with a reception at 5:30pm. In addition to the public opening of her show, FAM will incorporate differently-abled program throughout the exhibit, beginning with the showing of Intelligent Lives @ 7pm.
Constantly Becoming at FAM!
First Friday Meet the Artist!
Intelligent Lives Film Trailer
Other Upcoming Events!
Oct. 6th and Oct. 20th
Sophiola will be at Hurkamp Park in Downtown Fredericksburg as part of Art in the Park.
Oct. 7th and Oct. 28th
Sophiola will be at the Carytown Farmers Market in Richmond from 9-1.
The Shop!
If you can't meet us at our booth at the Farmer's Markets, you can always meet us online! We will be adding new framed prints to coincide with Constantly Becoming, so make sure to take a look.
As always, we thank you for your love and support and we sososo hope to see you at an event soon!