News and Hues • March 1st, 2019
News and Hues
We are starting to see the first, brave flowers coming up - it’s like the ground is making art!
What happened in February?
February 14th – Sophia was one of the featured artists in the 4th Annual Special Art by Special Artists Show at the Suntrust Art Gallery in Downtown Richmond. Many thanks to Delegate Kaye Kory and the ARC of Northern Virginia for inviting Sophia to be part of this terrific event.
February 26th – Sophia’s dad, Andre, was invited to speak at The Rotary of Richmond, Club #69 about Sophia and Sophiola. Many thanks to the Club for the warm welcome and support given to Sophia.
We all took a trip to NYC!
March Events
Sophia and her family will be joining others on Saturday, March 2nd to celebrate Holy Trinity Catholic Church’s 225th Anniversary (as well as the 200th Anniversary of Holy Trinity School) at Sequoia on the Georgetown Waterfront. Sophia’s painting of Holy Trinity church will be one of the auction items available for purchase that evening.
Sophiola will expand its retail footprint by having more of a presence in the Richmond area. Come by the Sophiola tent at the South of the James Farmer’s Market on March 9th and March 30th. Visit their website for details!
Save the Date - April 5th!
Sophia’s next art show Art Becomes Her will debut on April 5th in Richmond during First Friday! Come drop by the 6 East Law Group offices on 6 East Broad Street, Richmond in the Richmond Arts District and meet the artist!
Art Becomes Her will feature several new works!
So make sure to keep an eye on…
the Shop!
As always, we thank you for your love and support and we sososo hope to see you at an event soon!